
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Alviss - Tho shall be remembered as the r*tar**d*d Romeo

Ok so if you've not heard about this guy and his story yet you must be living in the North Pole secluded in an igloo with only penguins to communicate to. If your not then you have no reasons whatsoever to ask. Go. Surf. The Net.

But this incident really leaves me wonder what makes this guy so special compared to the other love sick suicidal Penang guy? They both chose to end their life for the same reason but Aviss seems to get more press interest and exposure. The public loves him for his death if not his life. A very wrong perspective no? He has fan page all over facebook, some worshiping him for his so called "Romantic" act, while lots others scoff and pity his idiotic decision.

So what? What made him so special? Is it his good looks? Family and financial background? The 4 months relationship now Ex whom dumped him? The fact that he did announce to the world and his friends around him the date he'll commit suicide and yet no one did anything? The Facebook countdown before he jumped off the building??

Hmm, maybe that IS why he's so famous for his death. But a suicide is a suicide. No one should worship a guy who dares end his life for the sake of love, who's not brave enough to face this tough world, experiencing the bliss and ecstasy as well as the dark side of life. I laugh not at our Romeo, but I do pity and mock those who worship him, those who actually thinks that what he did is romantic. I mock at fan page like this:

Alviss Kong (江世丰) Alviss Kong的帐号删除了~

Sunday, November 21, 2010

New pets - Gucci and Louis

Ok so my birthday just passed few weeks ago and I've been super busy since then. I've finally got few days free to write my blog again! Everything about my birthday came as a surprise, from the surprised little party to my presents. But there's nth interesting about the surprise party to talk about, unless u think a few guys hiding in the room on the bed under the covers ready to pounce as soon as you enter the threshold count as interesting....

Not funny guys.

Anyway, I'm more excited to show you guys my new pets! They're actually not the furriest or cutest living things on earth, but they are cool, and maybe even yummy?

Get ready, here they come....

Almost there...


Hold your breath cuz here comes~~~~~


Who would've thought of that. Well the name on the bill - which I peeked from the bag cuz someone forgot to take it out - is actually Mini Lobsters. But I call them prawns and they totally remind me of the shrimps from Distric 9 and its just so funny. What do we do after I got them? Knowing nothing about them other than their weird cousins are from outer space and loves cat food, I served the web to see how we're suppose to care for them.

Then I found out that no one has ever had them and most of their close species are bred for appetizers.

Damn the internet.

Anyway we'll have to make do.

1. Lots of oxygen. - ok we'll full the tank with water and add the filter. wait, why do they try to swim up to the surface and look like they're drowning?

2. Four inch of water so they can breath air when they need to. - wait what? so i have to remove the water? Ok done.

3. Cool temperature - out of sunlight. Noted

4. They love to dig. - Hey cool Gucci is doing just that, after I removed the water.

5. They're territorial - oh god now they're fighting.

6. Lots of hiding place - Few stones should be alright. Right?

7. Boil an egg, and put the egg shells in the aquarium to remove Chlorins, level ph, and serve as food. - You have got to be kidding me. Never gonna do that.

Screw it.

So I've been observing them for a few days and I've come to a few conclusions. Mostly what the websites say is true, but the water level should just be enough to cover their heads, they feed on fish foods too. You should get a big enough tank if you're intending to have more than 1 cuz they DO fight Constantly! They're scavengers, they dont eat much, and remember the anti chrorins. No I've never tried the eggs. They're also extremely uncomfortable with the lights on so I try not to switch them on.

On the left is Gucci while hot on pursue is Louis. Louis is the big bully around the tank,
poor Gucci scuttles every time he/she sees it.

Gucci loves cleaning herself, and a photogenic. She also loves tilting sides ways apparently to breath air. The 1st time she did that it freaked us out cuz we thought she's dead. Does it all the time.

The Big Bully himself. Loves digging, loves chasing Gucci around.

Yeah their name kinda sucks cuz we named them after an inside joke. I'll give you a hint: It's my birthday present

Tuesday, October 26, 2010





Saturday, October 2, 2010


I've found a cure to headache today. Classic traditional remedy.

1. Stuff your face with chocolate.
2. Stuff your face with 100 plus.
3. If it still doesnt work, do them both together.

As I said, Classic traditional remedy.

*If symptom persist, seek medical help.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Shopping Mall Names

New job. Find a suitable name for a shopping mall. In Bangi. What? No, that's all of it. A name for a shopping mall in Bangi; go.
Bangi Shopping Mall?
no not good enough. Think of a new one.

Wait, Bangi's really Malay Influence right? How bout...Sierramas, Lea, Fadia, or... *snap* Fadia!

Ok fine. Think grand. Think fun, and, friendly!
I got it! Metropolitan, Faber, Preston, Maison....... Vera?

Ok ok. You dont like it. Come on, I get it right and that shopping mall will be name by me! I have one hour. Work it! Lets look for ideas. India shopping malls... UK building names.... god all the buildings they have sounds so... boring. And weird. Zarioski? Platinum Mall. Tsk. "cliche". Think girl think think! Work your brains.

Can I name it Harrods?

ok ok, no more jokes.

erm erm... I give up.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Must again remind myself that not everyone can take my sarcasm with grace. Just because I do it a lot to some one, doesn't mean I can do it randomly to anyone else.

Even so the ironic thing is that even I myself might be a little, just a little pissed at my own sarcasm. Sigh. Another heavy price to pay.

Edit: God I cant take this anymore. That's it, Im seeking help.

Friday, August 20, 2010


OMG. You are the most condescending guy ever. I dub you Sexist. No wait, that's not enough. You are more than a sexist. You are the joke around here. All the dramas you created are a joke, cause I know what you're trying to pull.


Hearts broken

You Hurt me.

I hurt you.

Hate this cycle.
This is the last.

Im breaking it

Monday, August 16, 2010


Getting drunk is stupid. But it doesn't mean it's not fun. But the even stupid thing to do is to get drunk on a Sunday night. With work the next day. Worst thing? I know i'll do it again, someday. I can only hope that there's someone there to look out for me when i am drunk.

I have to mention my super metabolism ability to digest everything thrown down my throat. I can't seem to vomit even doing extreme shots of dry vodka. The result? I get crazily high and drunk. No one should be around to see me in this state because its not a pretty sight. The good thing is I still remember everything that's happen; oh wait no, its not a good thing. On the plus side, my hang over's not really that bad, but i still feel dizzy in the morning, and extremely sleepy. Hence the feeling like dying now in the office, doing everything i can to stay awake.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Moving from Facebook to blogger

Why? Why u ask? Well because I can no more rant about stuffs in public anymore without fearing it being seen by *cough* those involved. What can I do? my whole life is about work now, so naturally I only have work-related-stuffs going around. of course you cant put these stuffs out in public. Anyone can see them. I mean ANYONE. Good thing no one reads my blogs

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bumbu Bali

So before I'm here at mcd watching football, I finally went to bumbu Bali in bandar puteri,puchong. I've been wanting to visit there ever since the food review I read in a blog.

From the outside, it seems a bit weird with all the gold 3 tier umbrellas hanging from the 2nd floor, and there's bamboo binds all over the place like what I always see outside taman rasna bakuteh. But the interior shows the theme prominantly with the wooden girrafes and Buddha statues. There's lighted candles on each table and the atmosphere is just serene with a french song playing in the bachground.

The foods cost higher then the average restaurant, but the portion are quite large. We ordered a bumbu nasi ayam and bumbu nasi campur for the three of us. It was kinda special with their own twist n delicious. I especially like the lime drink; which is cheaper when u order the whole jug. Overall it's a nice place n I definitely hope I can visit again, when I'm more financially flexible that is. That 2 dish and drink cost 70 and that is after j card 10%discount;which I find weird but won't complain.

FIFA world cup 2010

It's here again. Just when it's been so long that u think it's not coming back, it slowly crept back and you can't help it but get trapped into this epidemic fever. This time it's held in south africa, and the first match is on the 11th of June with south Africa versus Mexico. Bla bla bla. Personally I'm not that into football. Don't really see what can b so exciting watching 24 guys chasing around a ball. It's all... Well, I'm not trying to be mean to u all football fans out there, but... it's just so... boring...!

And yet I find myself out at McD's on a sat night trying to get this match into my head. So what if they almost got the goal? How can u get so excited by it when it happens almost every 10minutes??! But it seems as though it's impossible to ask anyone out without compromising football. So here I am, at d 24hr mcd in shah alam watching live HD football. My friend occasionally narrates what's happening and I barely showed any interest. Though I must say it is funny watching the coach's expression when one his player got a yellow card. But then, it shows just how little I care about this ARG vs NIG match when I'm sitting here blogging away; occasionally looking up when there're sounds of owwww n arrrhhh.

How cute.

Friday, May 21, 2010

London 2

Well I'm gonna write about yesterday. I'll try to remember as much as possible since there were so many things going through. We went to Albert and Victoria's Museum in the morning which is just next to the Natural History Museum. Alot of museum stuffs there. Then we went to the Banqueting House, which is also free. Then we went again to Primark near Bond Street. I'm kinda excited talking bout Primark actually. It's a department store and the things inside are VERY CHEAP, compared to the other stores. For instance, they have thights and socks at 1£, and sunglasses at 2£. Shoes may start at 5£ etc. You get the gist. It's my 2nd visit here during my stay in London and as usual it's completely packed with girls. There's forever a loooooong queue to the fitting room and usually it's better if you can just try the cloths outside right there and then. They limit it to 8 pieces of garment once for the fitting room. Bikinis count as 2 piece. >.< Right, about the bikinis. There's no wonder why all of them loved these 2 piece swimming suits at the beach. Right here the cheapest cost round 5£ a set. That's RM25. RM25. Yes. RM25. I got one for 7£. I know I might not have the opportunity to wear it, but I don't care. It's a bikini top at RM35.

Sadly there was a little incident while I was waiting for the fitting room. A middle aged Spanish women seems to have lost her purse and she kept wailing and screaming "I've lost my purse!Please, did anyone see my purse? Please help..." . Apparently all her passport and phone and everything important are in there. She left it on the floor and then it was missing. Mom said later she saw her crying while filling out a form. That incident kinda shook me. I mean, that could've been me if I wasn't careful enough.

After shopping we were entirely exhausted. We went by a French cafe to have a light dinner, then went to watch the theather The Lion King. It was amazing. the ticket cost 52.50£ each, and its worth every cent. Not penny; worth every cent. If i were to compare with The Phantom of the Opera, they have flashier clothes and Time's running out. GTG

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've been in London for quite a few days, and honestly, I've taken in so many sights and sounds of this place that I absolutely have to dump some of the memories out so that I can put in new stuffs. I'll just start with today.

Mom made a breakfast of sausages n fried eggs n boiled carrots, with tea. We planned the underground route an then we're off! Our first destination is the Kensington Palace, which we have to go through Hyde Park to get there. The entrance were free because of the free admission member card Shanna gave me. Thanks so much. We saved like 24£ there. There was an event going on where's they've transformed the place and decorated to the theme of an enchanted castle. They show us different rooms gave us a quest of locating the seven princesses in there. They were actually Mary, Victoria, Margarete, Diana, Anne, and 2 more which i've forgotten. But I got them all correct. Then I had a soft ice cream for 1.70£ and we walked to Kensington High Street tube station. On the way there we passed by a chinese food takeaway. But we had our lunch there anyway. We then took a tube to South kensington then the subway to The Natural History Museum. Very interactive, VERY nice, and its free!

After that it's 6pm and we went back. I have to off now cuz it cost me 50p for half an hour of internet n i've already been here for 1 n a half hour. I didn't even get to mention the dog here at Hyde park. Well next time then. Oh and we went to Whole Foods for meringues n chocs!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


There're two plates on the table. One is filled with yummy cheese cakes; the other is soft creme brulee.

I love cheese cakes. I also love creme brulee. I want to cram both of them into my mouth at once.

But here's the catch, I'll choke if I do that, might die from the attempt. If I eat the brulee first, some other girl will claim the cake. If i have the cake first, the brulee might get angry and disappear. (I dunno how to explain this phenomenon but for the purpose of this story it will happen.)

Make up your mind and just pick one? Of course I've thought of that, but It's CHEESE CAKE! OR CREME BRULEE! How can you make decisions like that? It's not like you have to choose between potatoes and lobster. When a waiter comes to you and say "we have two specialty for our main course: grilled lobster or else baked potatoes. Same Price. Which would you prefer?" You can just *snap fingers* and know instantly which you would choose. But when the waiter comes to you and say "we have two selections of desert today, would you like cheese cake or creme brulee?" how on earth are you suppose to just pick one of them? You usually pick both of them! Right??? Both! But then the unkind waiter said "I'm sorry, you only get to choose one"

So now how do you proceed? I want both. BOTH! Don't piss me or I'll ditch both the heavenly desert and get KFC Coleslaw instead. I swear I will.

Can I have both? Someone get me a solution. Right now I'm just letting the waiter stand there waiting for me to make a decision. It wont take long before he leaves without taking my order and I will end up with no deserts. Which is just really really sad.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Merry 2010!!!

It's a new year, and this is gonna be my first post. I just came back from my Hadyai trip in Thailand. Which means after almost half a decade since the day it was issued, I finally got to use my passport for the first time. It was a 3 days 2 nights trip, and it cost RM240, not including the meals and stuffs i bought there. We left UUM on the 30th and came back on th 1st of Jan 2010. I spent the last day of 2009 there, and went to one of their town center to celebrate new year. Before that we went to the water market, Songkhla Aquarium, the mermaid, their market and few more places. I might be posting more about it after I got all the pictures we took there.
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