
Saturday, June 12, 2010

FIFA world cup 2010

It's here again. Just when it's been so long that u think it's not coming back, it slowly crept back and you can't help it but get trapped into this epidemic fever. This time it's held in south africa, and the first match is on the 11th of June with south Africa versus Mexico. Bla bla bla. Personally I'm not that into football. Don't really see what can b so exciting watching 24 guys chasing around a ball. It's all... Well, I'm not trying to be mean to u all football fans out there, but... it's just so... boring...!

And yet I find myself out at McD's on a sat night trying to get this match into my head. So what if they almost got the goal? How can u get so excited by it when it happens almost every 10minutes??! But it seems as though it's impossible to ask anyone out without compromising football. So here I am, at d 24hr mcd in shah alam watching live HD football. My friend occasionally narrates what's happening and I barely showed any interest. Though I must say it is funny watching the coach's expression when one his player got a yellow card. But then, it shows just how little I care about this ARG vs NIG match when I'm sitting here blogging away; occasionally looking up when there're sounds of owwww n arrrhhh.

How cute.

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